- [11/17 Colloquium(Zoom)] Prof. Patrick Park(Carnegie Mellon University), "Relationships in the Age of Social Media: Social Scientific Insights and Network Analysis"
- 관리자 |
- 2021-11-10 13:50:43|
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We are informing you of the schedule of the KAIST HSS Colloquium Fall 2021. We look forward to your attention and participation.
□ Date : November 17th, 2021(Wed) 12:00 - 13:00
□ Venue : Online Zoom (https://kaist.zoom.us/j/85642343357?pwd=c28xMmJLbnFUV3ZhdWxpRzhXV0pidz09)
□ Speaker : Prof. Patrick Park(Institute for Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University)
□ Theme : Relationships in the Age of Social Media: Social Scientific Insights and Network Analysis
■ This Colloquium will be held only through online zoom.
※ Inquiry : School of Humanities & Social Sciences (Tel. 042-350-4687 / E-mail. kaistkdy@kaist.ac.kr)