- Prof. Daniel Martin, Attends a book launch&talk event of " King Sejong The Great "
- 관리자 |
- 2020-11-03 11:33:39|
- 531
Prof. Daniel Martin, Attends a book launch&talk event of "King Sejong The Great" |
Prof. Daniel Martin attended a book launch&talk event of JOE MENOSKY's first novel "King Sejong The Great" on October 9th to mark the 574th Hangeul Day.
□ Date : October 9th, 2020 14:00-16:00
□ Venue : 세종이야기미술관
□ Attendees : 다니엘 마틴(카이스트 인문사회과학부 교수), 이낙연(더불어 민주당 대표), 이소영(사람엔터테인먼트 대표), 이선영(아트프레임스토리 대표작가),
정석원 이사장 및 이혜경 관장(세종이야기미술관)
□ Source of Article : https://www.jungle.co.kr/magazine/202071

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