Jeong-woo Jang
Associate Professor
N4, Rm.1410
- Michigan State University, Ph.D. in Communication
- Seoul National University, M.A. in Communication
- Seoul National University, B.S. in Communication
Research field
- Communication
- Understanding Communication Research
- Human-Computer Communication
- Human Communication and the Internet
Major Career
- Visiting Professor, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, KAIST
Major external activities and awards
- National Communication Association, Top Paper Award (2012, 2014)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, KAIST (2020)
- Excellence in Research, College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST (2023)
Representative Research Performance
- Jang, J.-w.*, et al. (2024). The double-edged influence of self-expansion in the Metaverse: A two-wave panel assessment of identity perception, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.
- Lee, E.-J., & Jang, J.-w.* (2023). How political identity and misinformation priming affect truth judgments and sharing intention of partisan news. Digital Journalism.
- Jang, J.-w.* (2023). Proximate or primary source? How multiple layers of news sources on social media predict news influence. Social Science Computer Review.