Jeounghoon Kim
N4, Rm.1419
- The University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Committee on Biopsychology (Ph.D.)
- Seoul National University, Psychology (M.A.)
- Seoul National University, Psychology (B.A.)
Research field
- Psychology, Cognitive Science
- Introduction to Psychology
- Cognitive Science
- Vision, Brain and Art
Major Career
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Wilmer Eye Institute, The Johns Hopkins University
Major external activities and awards
- Vision Science Society
- Korean Society for Cognitive & Biological Psychology
- Research Innovation Excellence Award, College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science
- Science and Technology Excellence Paper Award, Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
Representative Research Performance
- M. Kim & J. Kim (2019). Complementary Quantitative Approach to Unsolved Issues in Art History, Leonardo, 52, 164-174.
- C. Kim, J. K. Kroger, & J. Kim (2011). A Functional Dissociation of Conflict Processing within Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Human Brain Mapping, 32, 304-312.
- J. Kim & H. R. Wilson (1997). Motion Integration over Space, Vision Research, 37, 991-1005.