• 김란우 교수, Opportunities and Barriers to Rural Telerobotic Surgical Health Care in 2021: Report and Research Agenda from a Stakeholder Workshop
  • 관리자 |
  • 2021-12-07 10:46:26|
  • 966

우리 학부 김란우 교수가 공저자로 참여한 "Opportunities and Barriers to Rural Telerobotic Surgical Health Care in 2021: Report and Research Agenda from a Stakeholder Workshop" 논문이 Telemedicine and e-Health 저널에 게재되었습니다.
공저자 김란우 교수
논문제목 Opportunities and Barriers to Rural Telerobotic Surgical Health Care in 2021: Report and Research Agenda from a Stakeholder Workshop
저널명 Telemedicine and e-Health