- 김하나 교수, Operationalising Capability Thinking in the Assessment of Energy Poverty Relief Policies: Moving from Compensation-based to Empowerment-focused Policy Strategies
- 관리자 |
- 2021-05-06 15:45:23|
- 1283
우리 학부 김하나 교수의 "Operationalising Capability Thinking in the Assessment of Energy Poverty Relief Policies: Moving from Compensation-based to Empowerment-focused Policy Strategies" 논문이 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities에 출판되었습니다.
저 자 | 김하나 교수 |
논문제목 | Operationalising Capability Thinking in the Assessment of Energy Poverty Relief Policies: Moving from Compensation-based to Empowerment-focused Policy Strategies |
저널명 | Journal of Human Development and Capabilities |

첨부파일 |