- 이경면 교수, Music, Mathematics & Language Workshop에서 논문 발표
- 관리자 |
- 2023-07-13 10:07:22|
- 543
이경면 교수가 6.28-29일에 개최된 Music, Mathematics & Language Workshop에서 아래의 두 논문을 발표 하였습니다.
*이경면 (구두 초청 강연) Rhythm and the Brain
*오은지, 이경면 (포스터) Exploring the influence of online music learning on linguistic, cognitive, and musical skills in Korean preschoolers: A pilot study
*관련링크: https://sites.google.com/view/music-math-language/home?authuser=0

*이경면 (구두 초청 강연) Rhythm and the Brain
*오은지, 이경면 (포스터) Exploring the influence of online music learning on linguistic, cognitive, and musical skills in Korean preschoolers: A pilot study
*관련링크: https://sites.google.com/view/music-math-language/home?authuser=0

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