- 이경면 교수, Beat Synchronization and Korean Reading Fluency of Elementary School Children"와 "Sensorimotor Synchronization and Auditory Working Memory Jointly Predict Rhythm Discrimination in Children
- 관리자 |
- 2022-08-04 09:31:00|
- 864
우리 학부 이경면 교수가 "Beat Synchronization and Korean Reading Fluency of Elementary School Children"와"Sensorimotor Synchronization and Auditory Working Memory Jointly Predict Rhythm Discrimination in Children" 주제로 논문들을 미국 음악지각인지학회(Society for Music Perception and Cognition)에서 발표 예정입니다.

저 자 | 이경면 교수 |
논문제목 | "Beat Synchronization and Korean Reading Fluency of Elementary School Children"와"Sensorimotor Synchronization and Auditory Working Memory Jointly Predict Rhythm Discrimination in Children" |
학회명 | Society for Music Perception and Cognition |

첨부파일 |