
  • [10/1 International Forum] Asia Africa and Latin America Literature Forum "South Going Global: How Non-Western Literature Becomes World Literature"
  • 관리자 |
  • 2021-09-29 11:16:23|
  • 317

We are informing you of the schedule of the International Forum 2021. We look forward to your attention and participation.

  □ Date : October 1st, 2021(Fri) 09:50a.m. - 18:00p.m.(KST)

  □ Venue : Zoom Webminars (http://kaist.zoom.us/j/82726398150)

  □ Title : Asia Africa and Latin America Literature Forum

  □ Theme : "South Going Global: How Non-Western Literature Becomes World Literature

※ Inquiry : School of Humanities & Social Sciences (Tel. 042-350-4687 / E-mail. yums2014@kaist.ac.kr)