N4, 1306호
- The Graduate Center, City University of New York 철학 박사
- University of Minnesota: Twin Cities 철학 석사 (수학 부전공)
- 고려대학교 법학사 및 문학사(철학)
- 논리학, 분석철학, 디지털인문학
담당 교과목
- 논리학, 가상현실의 철학
- 연세대학교 강사 (2022.09-2023.02)
- CUNY Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow (2021.09-2022.06)
주요 대외활동 및 수상경력
- 한국과학철학회 정회원
- 한국논리학회 정회원
대표 연구실적
- Kim, D. "The Kripkean Explanation of Aposteriori Necessity," To appear in Inquiry.
- Kim, D. "Necessity, Essence, and Explanation,” To appear in Erkenntnis.
- Kim, D. (2025). "Necessities in the old jungle?: On Han's analysis of the necessity of origin." Asian Journal of Philosophy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-024-09752-9
- Kim, D. (2024). "Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Modal Logics." Journal of Philosophical Logic 4(9), 789-829.
- Kim, D. (2021). “Explanation and Modality: On Why the Swampman is Still Worrisome to Teleosemanticists.” Synthese (199), 2817-2839.
- Kim, D. (2021). “On the Buck-Stopping Identification of Numbers.” Philosophia Mathematica, 29(2), 234-255.
- Kim, D. (2021). “On Frege’s Assimilation of Sentences with Names.” The Philosophical Quarterly, 71(2), 241-263.